Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arthur Rimbaud: Eternity

early morning sun by the sea

1 ( From: Fetes de la Patience)

It’s found we see.


What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, free
To flow with the sea.

Soul on watch
Let whispers confess
Of the empty night
Of the day’s excess.

From the mortal weal
From the common urge
Here you diverge
To fly as you feel.

Since from you alone,
Embers of satin,
Duty breathes down
With no ‘at last’ spoken.

There’s nothing of hope,
No entreaty here.
Science and patience,
Torture is real.

It’s found we see.
What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, free
To flow with the sea.

2. (From: Une Saison en Enfer)

It’s found we see!
What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, mingled
   With the sea.

My immortal soul
Keep your vow
Despite empty night
And the day’s glow.

So you’ll diverge
From the mortal weal
From the common urge,
And fly as you feel…

– No hope, never,
No entreaty here.
Science and patience,
Torture is real.

No more tomorrow,
Embers of satin,
Your own ardour
The only duty.

It’s found we see.
– What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, mingled
    With the sea.


Arthur Rimbaud

photo Moesgård: gb


Teresa Evangeline said...

Very nice. The sun and the sea never fail to speak to me. Lovely photo to illustrate.

Thyra said...

Hej Teresa! It was such a lovely morning. Now I do not go to the sea that early anymore!
Grethe ´(